You look at Rah. Maybe this is linked to the radio calls you have been picking up. You and Rah run out the door and join the crowd gathered around the docks. You two reach the funky looking boat emitting all the light. There a man dressed in a fancy purple suit is welcoming people around the glowing floatation device. He greets them and then begins to speak.

"Hello everyone! We have an extra special performance for you all tonight. Please, move along to the market plaza, and we'll show you the show of your lives!" The announcer announces.

They smile and begins to lead the crowd up the street north toward the market. Some other similarly dressed workers are loading boxes onto the boat behind the announcer.

"What is in those boxes?" Rah says to you.

People continue moving around you and Rah. What should you do?

Head to the market plaza Investigate the streets by the docks Sneak on the strange boat